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Areas: Cheshire East

Areas » Cheshire East

There are 717 records in the area of Cheshire East, showing 30 per page:


Yes: 140
No: 577

By year:

?: 18
1947: 2
1948: 7
1949: 11
1953: 17
1954: 34
1956: 59
1959: 28
1963: 51
1964: 10
1969: 13
1970: 11
1971: 16
1973: 40
1975: 9
1976: 5
1978: 9
1979: 24
1984: 117
1987: 16
1989: 33
1990: 1
1992: 83
1993: 9
1995: 25
2000: 31
2001: 38